09.15.2004 - 10:02 pm

Thanks, person who searched for Atlast Shrugged, for being able to point out that I misspelled something. I'll go fix that now.

I just bought a ton of music. It's so easy when it feels like I'm not even spending money...Then I feel even worse when I realize I made only a small dent in the number of things I want to get. It's a neverending cycle. Highlights include pre-order for the new Mono and Tarentel, and the new Converge and These Arms are Snakes. I also got some older essential stuff that I somehow failed to get, probably at the poor points in my college life.

There's a fucking light at the end of the tunnel for my summer project - the program has been completed, compiled, and most importantly, debugged. Now I just have to export the correct file to VTK for visualization.

And the dreams....if there is some drug out there that will stop my mind from overworking itself at night, I'll take it. Last night involved me going into a small, yet hip record store L.A. (completely fictional), calmly looking through the vinyl as a riot broke out in the parking lot with people climbing the telephone poles, and as I stumbled upon what I think were Silver Mt. Zion 2x7" sets (again, fictional) that were priced at $16.50, announced to the entire store in the most righteous voice "This is bullshit, $16.50. I could see $7, $8, $9, hell even $10 if the layout is intricate, but this isn't even right." Then I tossed them back in and kept looking. Then a bunch of other stuff happened that I don't even want to write down, it just gets weirder and quite humiliating.

Listening: JOMF

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