01.14.2004 - 11:03 pm

So I was watching Good Morning America or the Today Show...not exactly sure which one, the shit's all the same if you know what I mean. I only watch because I hold out hope that I'll get some kind of pertinent news information by watching. That's another complaint for another day. Anyway, they did a segment on blogging, but apparently they mixed it up with Livejournal/Diaryland which really isn't blogging (in my opinion) it's journal/diary type writing. So they cut to a shot of a web browser and someone typing in www.diaryland.com and then the front page shows up and I almost shat myself. Maybe it was just too early in the morning. But it was weird nonetheless. And of course the guy doing the interview said something like "But what about internet predators blah blah blah" and I realized how much the younger generation has a good knowledge of the dangers out there and how we have integrated them into how we go about things on the internet.

I had to ask my parents for a little loan to tide me over. It's enough to buy one important book for school and to pay my way overdue credit card bill. I'll have a little left over for food. Thanks UCLA, for not paying me! I mean, I didn't opt not to work to go to grad school or anything. I don't need the money to pay bills. I don't depend on this money as a source of income. That's silly!

Oh, and when I went to the office yesterday to inquire about the whereabouts of the check that was supposedly printed on the fifth, the lady said they didn't get mailed out until Wednesday (the seventh) and that the U.S. Mail is slow! I kid you not, she fed me the worst line of bullshit I have ever heard. I live two fucking miles away from campus, if they really sent out the check last Wednesday, it would have been to Europe by now. If it's not here by the end of next week (that's a long fucking time) then they might do a stop payment and start the whole fucking process over again. There is something going on over there, they are holding the checks or something.

The U.S. Mail is slow! Someday after I get my money, I'm going to have a good laugh about that one. If I wouldn't have gone to jail for assault, I would have bitch slapped that lady.

There's a lot going on, and I'm having a hard time adjusting. Four graduate level classes are not a cake walk, and I'm trying to stay up to speed with the music reviewing, and of course my radio show. A long distance relationship is surprisingly fulfilling (I think it's because Corey is so right for me) but we have to spend a lot of time on the phone, which has kind of anchored me to the apartment at night. I'd like to go to some shows - Isis is next week - I would really like to make some new friends and actually spend time with them. In addition to all of this I'm toying with the idea of trying to get a band together. Having a band is so much fun, no matter what else is going on. But I'm already exhausted.

Fairly random: I felt pretty today, and my hair was working well despite my lack of haircut for a while. I like having a camera phone because it's the first time I've gotten instantaneous pictures, and it's even better than a digital camera because I can e-mail them directly to myself, and put them right here: .

Listening: Cult of Luna

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