10.27.2003 - 6:53 pm


Crazy fires to my north and east and smoke blowing west and south makes for a baaad day in Melissa-land. I spent the better part of the morning in class unable to pay attention due to near constant sneezing, ensuing nasal drip, and watery, burning eyes. My teachers probably thought I was fucked up on drugs or something. I sit in front, so it was probably hard to miss my uncanny wipe-my-nose-and-sniffle-like-a-coke-addict move.

Took some allergy medicine and now I am fucked up on drugs. The irony is not beyond me. Needless to say, I haven't done any school work, but I have managed to read more of Al Franken's new book. Oh, the man makes me laugh.

I don't mean to skim over the devastating effects of the fires, as they have affected many people. I'm very thankful that my family isn't in danger. I was actually more saddened by the news of the Iraqi bombings this morning. Brought a tear to my eye, knowing that many, many innocent people died. One of the bombers even drove into a Red Cross center. Seems like the wrong people to be attacking, no matter what your reasons for attacking are.

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