10.20.2003 - 2:42 pm

Oh D-D-D-Diaryland. My year is almost up, I have to decide if I want to renew my gold membership. I probably will. Diaryland has been good to me. Even Diaryland pre-gold was good to me.

The weather has been abso-fucking-lutely gorgeous. I <3 good weather. In honor of the great weather, I went down to Santa Monica on Saturday and shopped. Boo! I have to stop spending money. But, the good thing about shopping is getting some rad stuff. The fact that it is almost November and the weather is still holding steady above 80 degrees puts me in a really good mood.

On Sunday I was doing my dreary homework when I got a phone call from Colin and we went down to Venice. I haven't had so much fun in a long time. And that's no exaggeration. We walked up and down the boardwalk, we bought anti-Bush pins, we watched one-man-bands, we ate at a little diner that has Boca Burgers, we walked on the beach and then on the pier and I could point out my neighborhood because of the tall buildings, we went to a hole in the wall bookstore and gave each other recommendations for books, we talked about all kinds of important things, and after all of that there was a beautiful sunset right over the ocean.

I saw some cool movies this weekend: Better Luck Tomorrow and the Friends Forever documentary thanks to Daniel. We also watched Evil Dead 2. But I fell asleep during that one. I own it, so it doesn't matter really. The Friends Forever documentary was shot well.

I'm happy. So so happy. I even told Corey about Dillon. I must really really trust him. I want to go to Florida and live in his bed.

Listening: Rainer Maria

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