09.19.2003 - 6:43 pm

I have to say, the weather so far has been very agreeable. I don't have to deal with searing heat that plunges over the 100 degree mark before noon, and it doesn't get too cold at night (yet). It most likely will not get cold enough to snow over the winter, and it definitely doesn't rain as much as Florida.

Today I drove out to Amoeba, and I only bought three things. A-fucking-mazing, on my part. I think some of that had to do with the fact that I only had 54 minutes on my meter. My intent was to follow Dillon's advice: just do the things you do regularly, and you will meet people with the same interests. Very true, usually. But I just kept my head down and looked through the records, and I probably couldn't point out anybody that was in the store if I saw them again.

I bought:

Index For Potential Suicide - The Newest Youth Rebellion LP

Pretty Girls Make Graves - The New Romance CD

Him - New Features CD

Tonight I am driving down to Long Beach to some taco place to see one of Matt's bands play at midnight. I normally wouldn't drive down that late if I wasn't already planning on going home late anyway, to bypass traffic. So it will be a little detour through Long Beach. Then I get to see my family, and my doggies! It's going to be a great weekend.

As I've stated before, Sunday is Mogwai/Isis, and Monday I'm going to Deerhoof at Koo's. Things are getting busy. Holla. There are a ton of good shows here, but they are about twice as expensive as they would be in Miami. There is a downside to everything.

Blasting classic rock from a crappy station wagon as you're driving through Beverly Hills is extremely satisfying.

Listening: Q and Not U

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