08.14.2003 - 9:20 pm

Too distracted/hot to read. I had to close the windows because while sitting in my own home. The bugs are buzzing around my head, attracted to the light emanating from the computer monitor.

So how about that Blackout? I mean, here in California we had rolling blackouts (thanks Enron!) for a while, but the whole northeast going out? It raises all kinds of fundamental questions such as: What would we really do if we lost basic services such as power, water, mass agriculture? Would anyone be able to survive if they had to rely solely on their on their own skills? Not me!

Up until the past month, I'd been able to claim the incredible feat of falling asleep within five minutes of turning the light off. Whether things were good or bad, that was the one thing I could count on - a good night's rest. Lately, it's been taking me close to an hour, and I don't wake up very alert. I've been having bad dreams and I wake up in the middle of them, feeling like I've slept for three or four hours.

Going to UCLA next Friday to meet with my advisor. He's going to give me some information on his research, and if I'm interested, I think he'd like me to work with him. Maybe that means assistantship, and assistantship means money.

Hard to explain the past few days. Back in a bad mood. It's because I really have a desire to be social again, make friends, spend my time doing things with them, talking, hanging out, going places. There are people I could spend time with, but have decided it's better not to, in the long run...Because they're not the kind of people that I need right now. And a band would be really, really nice.

Listening: The Roots of Orchis

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