08.06.2003 - 9:24 pm

Swiffer Duster is amazing! I hate disposable products like that, but damn, the thing works. My whole room is shiny and clean and I'm not sneezy. Today I bought some new sheets to go on my futon - the futon cover isn't exactly sheet material. Then I decided cleaning my room would be the best next step. I not only dusted but rearranged some things to minimize clutter. I can't explain how good it feels to throw old things away sometimes, when I know it's useless to save it. Seeing a clean and more minimal room makes me calm, although my room is not minimal by any stretch of the imagination. Just more than it was before.

It helped that I was rocking out to The Faint, Milemarker, and The Blood Brothers. Actually The Faint didn't help much; when I turned it up loud I just started dancing in my room.

And now that it's over I'm listening to Rainer Maria. This time it's Look Now Look Again. A lot of people hate them now because the whole pop/emo thing is way over...but they'll always be one of my favorite bands. I listened to A Better Version of Me every day for about four months when it first came out - it just made a lot of sense to me. I can't really get into their earliest stuff, and I'm not too fond of their new album, but I can appreciate everything they've done. I've seen them...three times now, and I always sing real loud and annoy the people in front of me. It's alright, my voice isn't bad, but it's still annoying. I guess something that I like about them is the girl bass player/singer thing. I always wished I could sing in a band, but I don't think I'm coordinated enough to do both at once.

But that's the point of dreams right? You know what you would like to do, and making a dream come true isn't a matter of luck, but how hard you work towards it. If I could get over the fear of singing in front of people, I could start practicing. Oh yeah, and I've never written anything I would be proud to sing.

In the spirit of fear, here is a list of my top three fears in the entire world:

1. Being in a car crash, period.

2. Getting my teeth knocked out in any way, but especially due to a punch, or falling on the ground. I can't watch that one scene in American History X...

3. Bugs, mostly in my bed. When there are bugs in my bed, I freak out. They give me bad dreams, and I actually wake up running out of my room.

Listening: Rainer Maria!

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