07.23.2003 - 8:47 am

I just woke up and this dream is hilarious. It's fading fast though.

I think I'm a guy in the beginning, maybe Tom Cruise. I don't remember why, but I am driving a big rig down all the freeways in L.A. because I'm chasing this black beamer that these bad guys are driving. They're very bad. But it's also a test of my driving skill because I'm going really fast in this big rig. Somehow, this girl jumps in the side window. She's also a superhero, but more like a junior superhero. I'm pissed that she's there because it's unsafe. I say "Why are you here???" And she says "Because I want to go to the mall!" I guess the mall is our destination.

I think there was a bunch of stuff before the truck ride but I forgot. There was a girl named Laura with long blond hair who implicated some kind of theft ring at Sears. But that was at the beginning so I really don't remember.

So we get to the mall, to Sears. I go inside and ditch the girl. I think I'm a girl again. I'm at the service counter downstairs where they do receiving and I throw something at the girl there. She has shaved off all her hair but it is blond and it looks like Laura. I'm all badass, "Haha, I found you and I'm gonna figure this out!" She feigns that she isn't Laura, so my confidence wavers a little, and she comes around the counter and we start karate chopping and punching away. I have a lot of pent up anger.

Wow in the last five minutes I've forgotten a lot.

Basically, I'm now the one being chased, because (like in that cool movie The Net) they've taken my identity and have turned things around by exposing the theft ring to the manager before I get a chance. One little detail is that I had to sign a receipt or something, but they had my name wrong. I signed anyway. Now there's no way the manager will believe it wasn't me, because evidently there's proof. We're in the stock room by now. So I have to dodge like five people that are after me plus the manager. I'm doing some major kick-assing, and I finally make it out the back door. For some reason, they really aren't following me?

I'm walking through the parking lot in the back, bawling because I'm implicated in the theft ring. A lot of people are out in back because their shift just got off. I ran into some people from UM, from the residence halls. I was relieved to find them because the kids involved in the theft ring were all RA's. So now someone besides me knows. I'm sneaking further and further back, still way anxious that they're going to jump out the door any second. This is where it changes up a bit. Then the building is different. It still looks the same, but it's a high school. I run around the back, and have to get through a group of kids who were at P.E. I thought they were going to capture my ass because they were friends of the theft ring kids, but they just looked at me funny. I go down the street a little more, and my house is right there. But I can see through the windows and it's pretty much empty. The theft ring had not followed me because they decided it would be better to empty my house. That'll get me! So I run in, and my dad is there. It wasn't the theft ring, but I never found out what it was. I rushed into my room, which was all different from real life, very sunny. My dad wanted to know why I was home from school, it's only 10:45 a.m. I start bawling and tell him I have to get my identity back.

The end.

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