09.26.2004 - 7:58 am

Some weird stuff, and violence: My dreams last night felt very continuous. In the earlier dreams I was riding the bus home from school with someone and there was some gangster guy who was being menacing to us. We rode the bus again later and he got on the bus but he was bleeding. We realized he had been shot (in the spleen). I think in this dream, I was in a kitchen with my parents and we were eating some kind of take-out dinner, pizza or something. They were very disappointed in me for some reason and they were disowning me and cutting off communication.

Then I was with a group of people, around my age, and we were discussing philosophy in this living room area that was also a store of some kind. When you walk outside you were on a balcony with a roof that looked over a beach/cliff area that seemed very far away. There was a legend about the ocean there (which was more beautiful than anything I'v ever seen) that if you could jump off the cliff and make it into the deep part of the water and not the rocky area near the shoreline, you would disappear immediately, but live in some kind of ocean paradise forever. I watched a girl do it, and she was successful! I watched her hit the water and almost immediately disappear. I wanted to try but I was afraid of just hitting the rocks and dying.

Finally, it gets very violent. I was walking through a park and Ice Cube was walking around me and rapping about killing whitey and he was pointing at me and had this rage filled look on his face. I snapped and starting finishing his sentences "Kill me?", "Kill me?", and I was pointing my finger at myself, and I didn't like the thought of him killing me so I pushed him. As he started to say "No, I wasn't talking about you..." I punched him really hard. Then I left and went to a show at Koo's. But there were some really lame kids there hanging out outside. (This was the fake Koo's of my dreams. Very ghetto, rubble everywhere - looked kind of like those pictures from Iraq after the airstrikes.) Next to the building there was an electrical tower that people were climbing on. I was really really angry at one of them so I went up and I think we were punching eachother. I got off and someone else went up to finish the job for me. They ended up pushing over the electrical tower and killed the guy, the fall was so far. Then I went inside and everyone was going crazy. Daniel was pissed because he couldn't get his car out because all the kids were blocking the garage door so he was yelling at them and got in a fight with one guy. I jumped in and then the guy lifted me up and ran as fast as he could into the opposite wall. I can't remember, but none of this really hurt. So I started beating him up too. I was doing a pretty good job, just pummeling him. Somehow, the fight then goes on the move and we are actually after this girl. We're running after her and she runs onto the second floor of a motel and runs into a room. Some of the guys rip branches off a tree to use as switches. This girl is really evil for some reason. So they rape her and rip off her breasts. She just gets more mad. Then the fight moves to these tightropes outside on beachy sand. She was like catwoman. Very weird. I think we ended up killing her. But through the second half I was more an observer than fighting. I only fought the initial guy that Daniel was fighting.

I don't know what these could possibly mean. Way way more violent than any dream I've had before.

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