09.20.2004 - 9:59 pm

Upon first listen, I have to say the new These Arms Are Snakes record is a bit of a disappointment. It's not horrible...but it's not great, and after their debut E.P. ripped me a new one, I expected a little more. It has its moments, but mostly seems a little deflated. But the good news is (depending on how you look at it), my first listens are like losing your virginity: you have to do it more than just the first time to actually enjoy it. I'll stop there...for everyone's sake.

Today was amazing, as amazing as a Monday could possibly be. The weather...I don't know where to start it was so good. Clear skies, and you could finally feel a fall breeze. This summer was so oppressive, so I think it's the contrast that I'm appreciating. I also like the mental clarity that comes with fall; it's a new (school) year, things are cycling again, energy is high, there are new goals, and I can pretend last year was a test run, because I basically wasted it. I got home to find two packages in the mail. One containing TAAS and the new Converge, and another from my mom containing bills I have to pay and a twenty dollar bill I get to spend. Probably tomorrow at Malady. I waste no time.

xmopissax: ok man now i see this whole situation in a new light

AlexTheNinjabot: oh really foo

AlexTheNinjabot: what light is that?

xmopissax: i don't know, the "i didn't have all the facts before but now i do" light?

xmopissax: but i swear what the fuck is going on with web searches all of a sudden and my website being on the first page of possible matches???

AlexTheNinjabot: ha ha

AlexTheNinjabot: i dunno

xmopissax: all i get now are people looking for "close up fucking" "close up ass thumbs"

xmopissax: and today, "intense fucking"

AlexTheNinjabot: aha ha hah a

AlexTheNinjabot: man, you're sick!

xmopissax: if you searched for that in the hopes of porn and saw the description: "... I really need that again. It felt so good to write a song that we knew was brutal and intense and fucking loud. Listening: Envy. ... " would you go to that site?

xmopissax: NO, you wouldn't

xmopissax: but they are, all of them

AlexTheNinjabot: i would

AlexTheNinjabot: i need that again

AlexTheNinjabot: intense, eh?

xmopissax: dude

xmopissax: you obviously haven't listened to the cd

AlexTheNinjabot: that light sucked

AlexTheNinjabot: don't see things in that light

AlexTheNinjabot: it's only 75 watts

AlexTheNinjabot: I'm more into those "natural light" halogen bulbs nowadays

AlexTheNinjabot: they put things into better perspective for me

xmopissax: dude what the hell are you talking about? real lights?

AlexTheNinjabot: I don't know

AlexTheNinjabot: I'd say I'm drunk, but I can't lie anymore

AlexTheNinjabot: I... I love... YOU!

AlexTheNinjabot: let's run away together!

xmopissax: oh, i know

AlexTheNinjabot: DON'T LOOK AT ME!

AlexTheNinjabot: NOT IN THAT LIGHT!!!!

AlexTheNinjabot: *runs to shadows again*

Listening: Converge, "You Fail Me"

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