05.02.2004 - 11:58 am

Good Lord do the NBA playoffs go on forever or what? You know what I wish for? Seems like the sports seasons just go on continually, from one to the next. Football and then hockey, on to basketball, and baseball is just getting started. Then the summer is over and we're back to the NFL. I wish there was the un-sports season, just a time during the year when there are no sports. For the rest of us.

I got to see Broken Social Scene on Friday at school then The Black Heart Procession on Friday at the Knitting Factory. They were both great, but the actual Black Heart Procession show was terribly lacking. It felt like a high school dance, got out far too late to be justified, and there was some drunk guy that rammed into me and took my spot only to dance into me, totally ruining my mood.

Wah wah wah wahhhhhhhhhhhh. Life is good though.

Yesterday after working on our lame composites project, Rose and I drove out to Hollywood just to see the sights and do the shopping. Shopping was done, and we went to Amoeba. I spent way too much. But I'm happy like I always am after I know I just bought some solid music. We decided the day was just too awesome to end there so we went down to Santa Monica to enjoy the sunset on the beach. Rose jogged and I sat on a blanket and read For Whom the Bell Tolls. I'm really into Hemingway at the moment. I didn't read much, mostly I contemplated. Reflecting back on the past year, on the future.

It's really great to be in love. It feels so special and rare, and maybe it's not so rare, but I think it's different for different people.

I think I want to live in L.A. for a while more, until all the energy of my youth is gone. It's a great place to be young. And the new Modest Mouse single, "Float On", is totally the jam for me right now.

Listening: Brokeback

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