03.23.2004 - 2:05 pm

Man oh man, this is funny, and I think it gets to the crux of the matter:

(From Hardball on 3/19)

"SHUSTER: And you may have trouble with folks like Ahmed Chalabi, right? Because after June 30, this isn�t even your decision. He�s been quoted as saying that he�s inclined to roll back your border changes and reopen the major border crossings after June 30.

BREMER: Well, after June 30 we�ll have an interim government here. It will be a different government than what is there now, because by the terms of the interim constitution that was signed 10 days ago, the governing council on which Mr. Chalabi serves will be dissolved.

So there will be a different government here. They will be sovereign. They will, however, be cooperating, I think, very strongly with the coalition forces that are still here about security. I don�t think their attention to security is likely to drop at all after June 30."

So basically, what he's saying is that Chalabi won't be in charge, but whoever is, while being sovereign, will be "cooperating" with "coalition" forces. Hahahahahaha. He's even predicting what their attention will be focused on! He seems to be such a smart man, knowing so much about the future of the "sovereign" Iraqi government decisions.

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