02.08.2004 - 10:34 pm

My life consists of lots of homework and love. Lots and lots of love.

Seriously, President Bush is scary. When he says stuff like:

"Russert: Are you prepared to lose?

President Bush: No, I'm not going to lose.

Russert: If you did, what would you do?

President Bush: Well, I don't plan on losing. I have got a vision for what I want to do for the country. See, I know exactly where I want to lead. I want to lead us I want to lead this world toward more peace and freedom. I want to lead this great country to work with others to change the world in positive ways, particularly as we fight the war on terror, and we got changing times here in America, too.

Russert: Biggest issues in the upcoming campaign?

President Bush: Who can properly use American power in a way to make the world a better place, and who understands that the true strength of this country is the hearts and souls of the American citizens, who understands times are changing and how best to have policy reflect those times.

And I look forward to a good campaign. I know exactly where I want to lead the country. I have shown the American people I can lead. I have shown the American people I can sit here in the Oval Office when times are tough and be steady and make good decisions, and I look forward to articulating what I want to do the next four years if I'm fortunate enough to be their president."

The fact that he understands and talks about the power of America and what he's going to do with it just sends shivers up my spine. He's not as stupid as he wants us to believe. And I know what he means when he says stuff like he knows exactly where he wants this country to go. GET ME TO CANADA ASAP! Oh and all that CRAAAAP about how he sat in the Oval Office when times got tough and he was steady!! I remember all about 9/11 you asshole you were nowhere near the Oval Office being tough.


Listening: Don Caballero

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