11.25.2003 - 12:15 am

Look how long it's been! I don't even know how long it's been!

Crazy cold, keeping me from working at full potential. Thank God for four day weekends.

Roomate's parents are in town. They came in last FRIDAY, and they're leaving next SUNDAY. That's nine days. Nine days! We have a very small apartment, and needless to say, it's been mentally rough for me to share what little space I have. I've been cooped up in my room. Add to it the fact that they're not actually guests, they're owners, it's not even my place anymore. So so weird.

In their defense they are very nice. But Chinese food smells so weird...Although, due to the cold, I got a break from smelling today.

Please let me wake up with normal smell functions.

Reading: The Princess Bride

Listening: reviewing CD's - The Album Leaf, etc. etc.

Worrying: Finals

Awaiting: Miami

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