11.17.2003 - 11:52 pm

Quick summary:

-I hate Mondays.

-8 a.m. - 12 p.m. class. I like one class, I hate the other. I just prefer not to think about it. I'll be done with these classes in three weeks anyway.

-1 p.m. meeting was cancelled but no one bothered to tell me, so I stuck around and ate lunch and went to the "meeting" that never happened. After no one showed up I went home, but in a considerably worse mood than before the "meeting".

-Once home, I was inspired and took some pictures. Nothing really special, just stuff to send Corey.

-Napped for two hours after I decided that was the best use of my time. Very strange, I fell asleep very fast and had deep sleep.

-Talked on the phone for an hour. Getting a phone call is the best way to be woken up from a nap.

-Radio meeting, a lot was accomplished.

-Wasting time for no reason. Lame.


Listening: Pelican just ended, Mogwai is just beginning

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