09.27.2003 - 5:52 pm

Fun times. It's all about creating it. I walked down to the beach, and even though it was overcast and slightly chilly, the walk kept me warm. I found a new Wild Oats, a used book store and restaurants that looked interesting. I took pictures of kites and then I walked down the Santa Monica pier. If I had more cash, I would have taken photo booth pictures. Then I made the mistake of walking down 3rd St. which has a Swatch store (with an especially cute salesperson and an amazing selection), Levi's, Urban Outfitters, American Eagle, etc. I bought some jeans and a little green sweater thing. In the Levi's store, I was trying on a pair of ill-fitting jeans (since when did 6 Ankle become four inches too long?? I'm not that short), cussing at the denim industry and my parents. I walk out of the fitting room and I'm staring at Dustin Hoffman. That's fun. Then I walked back home. I guess it's about four miles total. I feel good. My feet don't feel good, but I feel good. I need new shoes.

My roomate is so annoying. He sings along to pop music, which is playing loudly in the living room. I really wish he would put his stereo in his room so that I wouldn't feel uncomfortable playing music in my room, which might interfere with his, or even go watch the damn TV. I am not used to someone who is so dominant with the shared living space. I'm sure it will be fine when I'm out more.

Listening: Red Hot Chili Peppers feat. Ronald

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