09.22.2003 - 2:11 pm

I slept so wonderfully last night; I must've been asleep within thirty seconds of pulling my blanket up to my chin. Then I proceeded to have a dream about going to the grocery store with about five other people, Ronald included. But I was dawdling with some chocolate tofu cheesecake they were sampling (which tasted surprisingly like the one I made in real life), and no one wanted to go to the organic/vegetarian aisles. I think I was sampling some sushi as well. There was a whole aisle of Chinese food, so Ronald was buying stuff there. I have no idea who the other people are, but I think we were all friends. Everyone was impatient and sick of waiting for me. I ended up buying Neosporin (sp?), Neutrogena face stuff, and some organic food. I didn't even have time to throw the stuff into the cart, everyone was already out the door. That's all I remember.

Today, I think I'm driving down to Koo's again to see Deerhoof. Traffic will be killer. But what else am I going to do? Tomorrow orientation starts, which is a very good thing. We need to get this party started; I need to meet some more nerds.

Listening: Envy

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