08.25.2003 - 8:33 pm

How do you run into someone in a town of 30,000 without spending gross amounts of time in public places walking your dog, thinking of things to buy from the grocery store, renting movies, and eating a lot of fast food? Then I realized you don't, unless you have a social life that would make it possible to run into someone in a practical way. So yeah. I don't know why I keep thinking about this guy. I barely knew him, but one small encounter and I'm all crazzzy. WTF, I guess I do need a life. And WTF is up with me and guys named Matt? Matt P., Matt M., Matt C.!

Calling UCLA guy tomorrow; crossing my fingers really hard. Even if it turns out to be bad news, I'm getting my haircut, which is always an acceptable consolation. But I hope it's good news, because I've been looking at some fucking incredible little places in Santa Monica and Hollywood. I would be the shit! Oh yeah, funny thing I never mentioned: Matt C. has been thinking about UCLA for graduate school too.

I have that "I want a boyfriend" feeling again, and it's driving me crazy. Go away feelings! I work better without you!

Listening: Acetone

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