08.26.2003 - 3:06 pm

Woah Woah some crazy shit going down here in the BNG. I'm re-organizing my closet 'cause that's what I do, and I hear muffled male voice/voices that sound agitated somewhere in my backyard. My first thought is that the neighbors dogs are in our yard, and he's in our yard trying to get them back. So I go out the back door, which has an obstructed view of the yard, and my next thought is that maybe my dad fell off the roof, since he's been doing repairs up there almost every day, and he's calling for my help, because the voice is definitely strange. No, I'm not right at all.

I walk around the corner and there are two cops cuffing some shirtless guy who is obviously struggling. My jaw drops, my feet stop, I have never had to run this kind of picture through my head. WTF - why is this going on in my backyard? This is like straight out of Cops. The guy is begging for water, and I figure out that he must've been running from the cops and he jumped our fence, they just happened to catch him in our backyard. Then I think everybody from the Banning police shows up. And a fire truck and an ambulance because they had to check his health after they pepper sprayed his ass. So everyone's hanging out in my backyard for about ten minutes, making a lovely scene for the neighborhood, waiting for the police car with a cage.

Turns out he was being chased, but here's the scary part - he hid in our garage, in my brother's race car. I suppose that was easiest for him at the moment, but the back door right next to my room is ten feet away from the garage. I'm sitting in my room, oblivious to what's going on outside. What if he had decided to come hide inside our house? I would have shit my pants. I guess I'm also lucky I didn't run outside any earlier, before the cops caught him.

But we're safe for now. Our gate is all fucked up from where the guy and the cops jumped it, the hinges are broken on the side door to the garage, and my brother's car has pepper spray in it. Not very fun or lucky today.

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