07.28.2003 - 9:41 pm

Weird train of thought: As I'm driving on the 60 freeway Metallica's rocking new single St. Anger came on. Damn that song sucks. Not so long ago they had to replace their bass player Jason Newstead with someone new. I wondered how they found the new bass player; it's not like they could put out a want ad "Established metal/hard rock band seeks bass player, professional, all equipment, and has transportation". When anybody showed up they would freak out. Whatever. So what if I somehow joined Metallica, and they taught me all the songs for a world tour, and they told me I could bring one person since I'm new to the band and all, and a girl, and they didn't want me to be too lonely. So who would I ask? Mull over this for a minute or so, and decide on Sean, old punk show co-d.j. I think he was really into them when he was eight and they were putting out speed metal records. So he would accept the offer to come along on tour, but I would lay down the condition that he had to be my love slave because I really just wanted some affection on tour, and I always thought he was cute. We would bond a lot on the road and he would end up liking me. That's basically what all of my daydreams disintegrate into: boy likes me!

I just got back from two days in San Diego, but it wasn't as fun as last time. Of course, there was no New Years bash thrown in the middle, so there was a lot to live up to. When I got there, she was engulfed in Surf Girls marathon on MTV and I just sighed because I have a satellite at home and that's not why I drove two hours. Plus, I'm really really trying to save money for the Colorado trip, and Jessica seems to be anti-cook-for-yourself. On Saturday when we were discussing food choices, I mentioned that we could go get some pasta and bread from the store for extra cheap, but she just grimaced and asked if I wanted to go to Chipotle. I agreed because I'm not really the type to inconvenience someone. The food was good, but there went $7.

On Sunday she was in a bad mood over money (funny since I'm the one with no income), so I felt even more like I had to walk on eggshells (that was a bad sentence. blah). I had originally wanted to go to the beach, but we ended up at the pool at her apartment complex for about 25 minutes. I got a little sunburned on my stomach. Ow. We ate a late lunch at Pick Up Stix (another $6) and went to cool stores to look around at stuff that was way to expensive. I had specifically told her I didn't want to go shopping because of the money issue. Now, I'm not addicted to shopping, but I always, without fail, buy something if I'm in a store I like. That night we went to Barnes & Noble and I ended up getting a book by Greg Palast called The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. So far, the reading is good. $15. She had movie passes, so we went and saw 28 Days Later. $0! That movie was totally awesome! And no one in the theater was a jackass during the quiet parts! I absolutely loved loved loved the cinematography in that movie. More than I loved the storyline I think.

And today we ran some errands, then went downtown to eat at this Mexican place Daniel told me about, Pokez. That place was pretty good. And since we were downtown, Jessica wanted to go to Urban Outfitters.

The best part of this weekend was the drive up and down. I made both late in the afternoon, and the miles between Temecula and San Diego are a really nice drive. It was really peaceful, and it gets me excited about road trips through even more beautiful places.

Listening: Ryan Adams

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