11.16.2004 - 9:30 pm

I hate Fujifilm. I bought a roll of 1600 speed film (supposedly the faster the film the less light you need for exposure, good for low light situations, downside: grainy) and you know what, not only are they grainy as fuck, they were severely underexposed. More so than my Kodak Portra 800 speed film. And the colors are completely muted and washed out. Then when I do use the flash, I'll give it that it's sharp, but it takes away any warmth that should've been present from the lighting. Thank god I thought ahead and split that roll between These Arms Are Snakes and Isis.

So the first roll was Kodak Portra 800, no flash, wide angle lens (24 mm). Not too bad, a little underexposed. I was fucking around with the aperture settings which might account for that. Since I didn't use flash, none are really clear, but there is a lot of warmth. Oxbow in red, These Arms Are Snakes in green. There is one gem of These Arms Are Snakes; I have to say when the wide angle is sharp it is fucking sharp. One of the best pictures I've taken. There was a lot of lighting on that one. Overall, I like the wide angle lens in that it captures so much of the stage, but it's harder to get a good exposure than for a closeup. I have to practice some more with that one. I'll try to post some tomorrow. Oh right, I forgot to say, I bought a wide angle lens last week. Fucking pricey ($320 used) but amazing.

The second roll was Fujifilm 1600 speed with the wide angle lens. Complaints lodged above. 95% shit. But, I got one amazing amazing picture of Isis off of this one. It's of M. Gallagher - 2/3 of the picture is black - facing his cabinets which were lit from above by a single white light, creating a silhouette against which you can see his outline.

Third roll was back to my tried and true Kodak Portra 800 on the 35-80 mm zoom lens. Thankfully. A lot of those pictures turned out great. I'll be proud to pass them along. Shame shame on Fujifilm for sucking ASS.

Listening: Isis - Panopticon

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