11.03.2004 - 7:38 am

It's too early to rant, but a couple of things:

First off, I still believe the electoral college (which Kerry in theory could still take) in archaic. In that case, awesome. But how in the hell does 51% of America still want Bush!? I am obviously not in a red state, so maybe I'm the one who is out of touch. People didn't even vote on economic issues - a slight majority voted based on moral values. Moral values. People want to sanctify the definition of marriage - all the while getting divorced in record rates. These red states are dead set on rolling back thiry years of abortion rights. We are indeed moving backwards. People evidently don't know or don't care that they and most definitely their children will never see a penny of Social Security, that Bush is making us more vulnerable to attacks from terrorists who do NOT hate freedom but rather the arrogance with which we take any natural resources a country may have, while exploiting foreign workers for pennies a day and letting rich AMORAL fat cats get rich doing it, that many more children WILL be left behind under standardized testing, and that the world supply of oil IS finite.

There are going to be no checks and balances with all levels of government in the right corner (even 28 governors), and despite Alex's thought that Bush would be reigned in by moderates during a second term, I have to disagree. Bush was only reigned in during his first term by the thought of reelection; with that safely taken care of (I have to admit it's likely), I do believe Bush will be more extreme. I believe he is going to go after the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge with a new fervor.

But what I really want to know is what happened in Florida (and to an extent Ohio). There was obviously a huge turnout yesterday all around the country, but massive efforts have been made in both parties to register new members and get them out. Bush won Florida by 350,000 votes. That's not even close! Also, there have been rumors flying around that the exit polls in both Florida and Ohio were the ONLY to misreport what should have at least been a close race. I read an article a while back about the electronic voting machines...it's not that farfetched. Both Ohio and Florida have Republican state governments. I know people in Florida who voted on the machines with no paper trail. They have to trust that their vote was incremented correctly within the machine, but there is no way to ever know. But 350,000 is way way too much.

Theocracy here we come!

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