09.05.2004 - 4:55 pm

I think I had the strangest dream of my life last night:

It begins and I am with Corey in the grocery store. I cannot for the life of me figure out what I want. Corey just went to the dentist and had surgery on his teeth, and the doctor put him on a morphine regimen. He is on the phone with his brother but I have to talk for him, he's now mute because of the surgery. I then see Prof. Mal at the front of the store and he hands me a list of things I need to get for my assignment. The assignment is to make burritos. I am unhappy that I am supposed to be buying cheese and sour cream, so I approach him to ask if I can make vegan burritos. He says yes, but I am very stressed because I've already spent too long getting the wrong items. I cross them off as I go along. I think Corey is just following me. We leave the grocery store.

I don't remember what links these two parts, but I'm pretty sure it was one dream.

Then I am at a school, some kind of architecture school. I walk up a hill along a walkway to a newly erected bookstore that vaguely resembles the Seattle space needle. But you have to take these vertical stairs to get up there. I look up and it seems so far away, I climb a few steps but I get too scared to continue. As I'm watching, it starts to sway and then topples over. Seven people who were at the top fall to the ground to their death. I think I know them and am sad? Then I am in the ocean which is near to the school and I am now Josh (a real-life ex-boyfriend that died in Iraq this year) and I am learning how to use a parachute. But I am being thrown into the air above the ocean by four people that use the parachute as a trampoline. Something goes wrong and I (as Josh) am dead. I go back to where the bookstore fell over and look over the cliff at the ocean. It's sunset and I am thinking how perfect it is and how peaceful it is to be dead. So I jump off the cliff onto a big white pillow in the middle of the ocean to seal my death.

That's it.

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