08.29.2004 - 9:38 am

Ah, so in my grogginess this morning while watching the Sunday morning news shows, I got extremely irate at the electoral college system. Frankly, I forgot how it worked, only remembering that despite winning the overall popular vote, like Gore, you can still lose the election, which is based on the electoral vote. I consider myself to be an intelligent person - and if I can't remember how something in the election process works, it probably doesn't work. Maybe because it makes more sense to me to elect someone based on the popular vote of the country as a whole? Maybe.

So to amend my ignorance of the electoral college, I looked it up online.

Maybe the electoral college made sense before things such as, I don't know, ELECTRICITY, to find an efficient way to transmit the votes of the people in the individual states to the capitol. It would have been easier to send a few people with the results of each state. Right.

But what the hell is this still around for? I mean the damn news stations know the popular vote count minute by minute, I think it would be safe to use the popular vote of the country to decide the election. And this is my main point - it shouldn't matter what states Bush or Kerry wins, in a presidential election, every American, regardless of state, is choosing their representative at the executive level. When I choose my state senator, every vote in the state counts, because every voter in the state is choosing their representative. This isn't coming out as clearly as I had hoped. But basically, I'm saying the presidential election should supersede the pitting of state against state.

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