08.01.2004 - 10:25 am

I had this dream right before I woke up: I was going to an Isis show at some venue I've never seen in real life. I was in a town I've never seen in real life. Manny from Tyranny of Shaw was up on the roof of a taco shop trying to paint the sign for them, but it was hard for him because the sign angled with the roof. It made it hard for him to get the perspective right? I was on the roof trying to help him. This is early in the day before the show. I walk in to some store that vaguely resembles a small Urban Outfitters, basically one of those super hip stores that have $150 jeans that I laugh at. But I tried on some shirts, straight out of the 80's, I liked them. Then they were closing and wanted me out because they had to straighten up the racks. I left and walked over to the venue where I meet Aaron Turner. I really wanted to talk to him about the brand of shirts they use for the girls tees. Somehow we really bonded over this and end up talking for a long time and he tattoos me with the infinity sign on my wrist - but it's much larger and has colors, orange, green, red. And in my dream this is in addition to the tattoos I already have in real life. I am very proud of my tattoo and I have no problem showing it off. I get the vague feeling Aaron and I are connecting in some way and I am satisfied. Then I woke up, too bad I didn't get to see the show.

Sometimes, Shane is right. My dreams have a very parallel quality to what is going on in real life. Other times, completely unrelated. Uh, not to say I have ever talked to Aaron Turner or have a connection. But the real life Isis show, the shirt brand they use.

On Thursday I took the bus over to MOCA for the free Isis show. I went early so I could go to the museum. The minimalism exhibition was pretty interesting. They had a lot of the same artists we saw up in San Francisco at the MOMA. That took a few hours. Then I went outside to wait for the show, sat in this silly orange blow up chair and read for a while. I bought a shirt (that is not on the "bad" brand). It's too bad I like the design on the first shirt better - it's all in red ink, simpler, and the design is smaller. Ended up seeing Chris from the radio station and we talked for a while. The show was outside on the museum patio. It was a little surreal to hear this heavy band outside with skyscrapers towering over us. But I like surreal; it's different from a normal show. I took a roll of film, getting it back tomorrow. They played two...or was it three...old songs and the rest was the new material. If you know my music taste you would know why I like the evolution of Isis and where this new music takes them. I have a lot of friends who are staunch fans of Celestial and really believe Oceanic didn't take them further. I am in complete disagreement. I think Isis is maturing in their songwriting, and I think they are able to balance their heaviness with other elements that take them beyond Celestial and their earlier material.

Listening: Tarentel - From Bone to Satellite

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