05.16.2004 - 7:00 pm

Screw you, comprehensive exam! Screw you! I'm sick of you, I want a divorce.

So I spent a while today studying, I mean for crying out loud I was up at 6 a.m., but by 3 p.m. I was a little burned out on finite elements and the basic theory of elasticity. Who needs you, compatibility? I mean, really, you're such a poser, a third-rate equation like some boundary condition.

I decided it would be more fun to play with cameras. I got out the old Konica C35 (automatic) that my uncle had given to Tom who then gave it to me. It needed a battery and I went up to Bel Air camera in Westwood and picked one up. I also needed some more 800 speed film, and ended up getting the Kodak Professional series. Beaucoup bucks, but I'm going to try it out at Don Caballero on Wednesday.

I then went outside and took pictures of this tree that is in bloom with these amazing lavendar flowers and people who drove by just stared. Then, I went online and I'm thinking about adding to my camera collection with a vintage Nikon, or one of those medium format Minoltas. Fun fun fun.


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