04.09.2004 - 11:16 pm

So the first week of class is over, that's the good news. The bad news is that it just gets harder from here on out until June. But, then Corey will be here and I'll have another college degree and hopefully a job lined up. So I guess that goes under good news?

Got to see Eternal Sunshine last night with Rose and Shane. I loved loved loved it. I wasn't a huge fan of Being John Malkovitch, but this was weird in an inspiring and awesome way; almost like it's actually better to take the bad with a good in the relationship, because that's better than having no relationship at all. I know I sometimes take that for granted and let myself believe it would be easier not to work on having a good relationship because of the hard parts. And the cinematography....just makes me melt. It was like sweet sweet candy. And David Cross is funny as shit.

I hope I will be a good T.A. but I'm not sure. I think I was nervous tdday, and a little unsure of myself, I hope it wasn't too obvious.

Listening: Nick Drake

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